A to Z of Wedding Planning [re-released]

We never got round to completing our 2015 A to Z Challenge. I look back and wonder what on earth happened and then I realised it was during a period in my life where I was at the office 12-14 hours a day. So I can accept that I maybe perhaps didn’t keep on top of my blogging during this time. I hate an unfinished series and this one has been bugging me for a while – so I wanted to finish it off (better late than never).

This year we have redesigned the wedding planning set of printables and released them as part of a new series (with the letters we missed off first time round). As with all our previous A to Z Challenge campaigns, the set of printables will be available for free during the series – after which they will only be available via Printables for Filofaxers Subscriptionsubscribe now.

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