printed portal printables

Event and Festival Planning [Printable]

printed portal printables

May is National Walking Month. I really only just past week how much brighter it has got in the evenings and even in the day – it is bright and lush and green. Roll on summer!

Locally we have a walking festival to celebrate National Walking Month. With lots of different walking events around the city. The great thing about the festival is that you can learn something new or explore somewhere new. However, even if you are walking well-known places – walking has a whole host of health benefits that make it worthwhile.

Today’s printable is to help you plan out attendance at festivals and events where you might have to sign up for individual sessions that are potentially overlapping or running concurrently to help you workout a timetable of what you would like to do. A timetable can help you ensure that there are no clashes and that you can get from A to B in time.

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